Episode 5: Porn In the Woods

What can easily be said to be a 'dying media' there is no doubt finding porn in the woods is slowly going the way of the buffalo. In this story JW waxes poetic about a simpler time, and a mind opening encounter with the human female vagina.

Episode 4: Hundred Dollar Napkin

In John Wayne's grand tradition of making poor decisions he takes his act on the road to the City of Lights.  That's right, our story this week takes place in Las Vegas where JW finds himself on the losing side of the table except he decides to gamble outside of the casino . . .

Episode 3: French Exit

To master the art of the French Exit one must fully understand and respect it while preserving its integrity above all else.  Don't take an Irish Goodbye on this one as JW tells of how he learned this gentle art from the master himself. 

Episode 2: Caught

We've all been caught with our pants down from time to time. This particular time there were no pants, and an important friendship becomes hilariously compromised.

Episode 1:Don't Be That Guy

On the first ever episode of John Wayne Lied to You, John Wayne almost set back legal marijuana by decades. Will Our hero win against his highest foe, gravity?! Tune in the find out!